
Coffee Morning for Carers


Friday 14 August 10:00 am - 12:00 pm


United Kingdom


0800 652 5278 or 0121 636 0990
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Cost: Free

Healthwatch Birmingham is your independent champion for health and social care services.

Caring for someone is often tough. But with changes to health and social care services during the Covid19 pandemic, things might have been particularly difficult recently. We want to hear from carers as well as the people they look after. That way we can let the services you rely on know what you need, so they can provide the best possible support.

If you care for someone, we’d love you to join us at our next online coffee morning. You’ll be able to talk to our staff and volunteers about the services you use, and chat with other carers in a safe and friendly space. Phil Lydon, Senior Engagement Manager at Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Clinical Commissioning Group, will also be there to respond to any issues and concerns.

Our online coffee mornings use Zoom, which is easy to use for anyone with a mobile, laptop or any other device with an internet connection. We look forward to seeing you for a friendly chat over a cuppa. We understand that not everyone is comfortable speaking in front of a group so please be assured you will be able to give your views privately if you wish.

The event will take place via Zoom on Friday 14th August at 10am. Free tickets can be booked here – https://bit.ly/32OuvB9