On Wednesday 7 June, we had a fantastic turnout of familiar faces and some new Carers who came along to Birmingham Carers Hub’s Discovery Event to celebrate the relaunch of our recommissioned service.
The Birmingham Carers Hub service is managed by Forward Carers and funded and commissioned by Birmingham City Council and BSOL Integrated Care Board.

The CEO of Forward Carers, Simon Fenton gave an opening speech, followed by Councillor Mariam Khan who gave up time from her annual leave so that she could be there.
Simon’s speech made reference to Forward Carers new Delivery Partner, Bridgit Care whose online tool helps Carers find local and national support, create self-help plans, register their caring status with their GP and access personalised video content all together in one place.
Birmingham Carers Hub’s other new provision is the Dementia Carers Hub, offering dementia Carers a complete package of support throughout their caring journey such as: specific information and advice, support groups (online and in person) and an opportunity to learn about dementia and how to respond.

Simon thanked our commissioners as well as all the Carers in Birmingham who contribute so much to our community. Simon said,
“Today we recognise the true value (around £175 billion) in the caring that you do – without which the local health and care system would collapse. The Birmingham Carers Hub partnership is here to support you. It is so important that as Carers you take time for your own spiritual, emotional, physical wellbeing. We have Birmingham Buddhist Centre running a meditation session and Barefoot Birmingham running seated yoga tasters and massage. So, take a moment to breathe, relax, and reconnect with the important things that can make a difference for yourself.”
Councillor Khan said,
“I’m delighted to officially re-launch the Birmingham Carers Hub service during National Carers Week and I would like to congratulate Forward Carers and their Delivery Partners for securing the Birmingham Carers Hub contract for another 5 years!
“We at the Council along with our NHS partners, understand the importance of Carer support and we work hard to prioritise and further invest in Carer support. Carers play an essential role across Birmingham with their selfless commitment to caring for their loved ones and friends. We want Carers to lead fulfilling lives in the community.
She continued,“Birmingham Carers Hub is a central resource and sanctuary for carers to access information, advice, and guidance and seek support that will meet their needs. Today I encourage you seek what is on offer at the different stalls, embrace what is available – it could make a difference, find out about the diverse array of service and resources.”
Carers who attended relaxed with free wellbeing sessions such as massage and chair yoga provided by Barefoot Birmingham. There was also meditation taster sessions from Birmingham Buddhist Centre leaving Carers feeling as though they were walking on air.

In addition to a delicious free lunch, information and advice for Carers was available from our Delivery Partners who were there:
- Midland Mencap, Action for Children, OSCAR Birmingham who provide support for parent Carers
- Dementia Carers Count, Age Concern Birmingham and Age UK Birmingham who deliver support for dementia Carers
YMCA Sutton Coldfield who guide Young Adult Carers aged 18 – 25 - Ashiana Community Project (ACP), OSCAR Birmingham and the Chinese Community Birmingham provide support to Carers from diverse communities in the city
- Headway Birmingham and Solihull, University Hospitals Birmingham and our CERS service attended, as well as
- Forward Carers, Kissing it Better and Bridge Care who provide online support for Carers
Our Referral Partners Birmingham City Council, Spurgeons, Homegroup, Advocacy Matters, Gateway, Sense, Carers UK were also on hand to offer information and advice.
If you have not already registered with Birmingham Carers Hub, complete this form and a member of the team will get back to you. If you would like to make a referral on behalf of a Carer, please complete this form.Make sure you don’t miss any of our events in the future; you can regularly check our What’s On page, follow us on Facebook and Eventbrite and sign up for our Carer Update which will periodically emailed to you.