Online Carer Support
As a not-for-profit here to make life better for Carers, we’ve worked with Carers and professionals to develop a range of free resources for Carers covering some of the most common issues that Carers face. You can access these free resources by registering below. We also have a range of support exclusively available for Carer Friendly Card Community Members. These are free to access when you buy a Carer Friendly Card. All proceeds from card sales help fund our Carer support.
FREE resources for Carers
Want to find out if you’re entitled to Carers Allowance or other welfare entitlements? Looking for health and wellbeing information? Interested in top tips written by other Carers or what are your rights in work? Whether you’re new to caring or have been supporting someone for a long time, you’ll find a range of resources to support you.
Subscribe today to access our free online Carer support resources:
- Benefits calculator
- Carer Friendly updates
- Information about caring
- Top tips and toolkits for Carers

Additional FREE Support for Carer Friendly ID Card Holders
The additional support and resources below are exclusively available to members of our Carer Friendly Card Community. You can join the community by purchasing your Carer Friendly Photo ID Card. Existing card holders will find the links to access these resources in your card purchase confirmation email.

Carer Friendly Peer Support Group Online
Our online community is a closed group for Carers where we come together in a safe space to talk about all the ups and downs, highs and sometimes lows of our lives as Carers.
I’d like to join the Carer Friendly Community today.
All about the caring role
Are you wondering if you are an unpaid Carer or do you want to know more about the caring role? Find out answers about some of the key questions about caring, including how to manage your own health and wellbeing, information on welfare and entitlements, how to stay safe from harm, and more.

Carer Friendly Online Social Groups
We offer 12+ online chat session each week for Carers who want to take time out to relax whilst connecting with others. Attendees come from all walks of life, ages and background and different caring experiences or none

Top tips and Toolkits
We’ve worked together with Carers and ex-Carers like you to come up solutions to a range of common situations Carers face, including health and wellbeing challenges, managing difficult conversations, setting up a Carers support group or planning for a care emergency. Our Top tips and toolkits provide useful advice and guidance from those who have been through similar situations and come out the other side. We hope you find them helpful.
What If Plan
It’s important to take some time to think about what would happen in the event you were suddenly unable to carry out your caring role. A ‘What If’ plan is a document where you can write down everything about the person you care for and their needs and preferences. In the unfortunate event that something did prevent you for being about to support your loved-one, it acts as a guide for those who step in to provide care and provides you with peace of mind.

TRAINING & EVENTS to support you
Carer Friendly Community members can access free and discounted training opportunities, webinars and Carer Friendly events.
Join the Carer Friendly Community
To access these resources, join the Carer Friendly Community by purchasing your Carer Friendly ID Card today
Existing Carers Card holders can find the links to access these resources in the email you received when you purchased your card. If you’re having trouble accessing them or having any questions, drop us an email at
Are you a Commissioner?
If you’re a Commissioner or local care provider interested in creating a digitally inclusive Carer Friendly Community, find out how we can support you on the About Us page. Or email us at