Evelyn Armstrong is a new addition to the Forward Carers team and she joined us at one of the most busiest weeks of the year. Let’s hear how she got on.
These last two weeks have been quite phenomenal for me. After nearly two years of research, preparation and then fighting for an Education Health and Care Plan (#EHCP) for my daughter, it finally came through last week… Yippee!
And I also started my wonderful new role as Project Coordinator – Carer Friendly Communities, with Forward Carers on 30 May 2022.
What a whirlwind it has been, because after only one week in the office, it was #CarersWeek and first on the #CarersWeek agenda was a #carerfriendly event on Monday 6th June 2022 at Symphony Hall, organised by our partner Midland Mencap. Midland Mencap also arranged some fantastic entertainment from Henry Liggins and carers could get a free massage from Barefoot Birmingham.

Stallholders from Birmingham Parent Carer Forum, Age Concern Birmingham, Barefoot Birmingham, National Energy Action, Midland Mencap, Birmingham Carers Hub, Forward Carers, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Spurgeons Children’s Charity, YMCA Sutton Coldfield and Home Group were present, to offer advice and information to unpaid carers during the event.
Tuesday saw the launch of Forward Carers’ 4th Annual Carer Friendly Business Awards at Symphony Hall, not to mention some drinks and networking.

On Wednesday we were invited by the ACP Carers and Wellbeing Team to host a stall at their garden party to celebrate carers in the community.

Until recently I had not considered myself a carer, even though I have two children. Both of them have additional needs. Some of you reading this may very well be in a similar position or perhaps you have had this revelation recently…When you have a family member that has additional needs or who is unwell, you usually just get on with the business of taking care of them, without any hesitation. And in this state of getting on with life, we perhaps don’t stop to think about what help is available to us as carers. If you are lucky, you can figure out somehow that you are a carer, perhaps through a friend or information that you come across, like I did.
This is where Forward Carers come in. Under the umbrella of Birmingham Carers Hub, all unpaid carers have a way to access a wide range of services in Birmingham.
Forward Carers is on a mission to create Carer Friendly Communities and this is so exciting for me. I am looking forward to working closely with businesses and organisations in the West Midlands, to help them create a Carer Friendly culture within their workplaces and by so doing, create Carer Friendly Communities.
It has been quite a while since I have felt so excited about a project and it really feels good!
Until next time.
Evelyn xx