The Census is here and it’s important that you take part and get counted as a Carer.
What is the Census and why should I complete it?
The nationwide survey takes place every 10 years and helps decide how services are planned and funded in Birmingham and beyond from doctors’ surgeries to bus routes, along with shaping government policy.
Getting accurate data is important to help millions of pounds to be invested where it needs to go and to ensure the real numbers of Carers in society are reflected. It also helps charities and voluntary organisations support their funding applications.
You should have received your letter in the post with your unique code to complete the Census online on 21st March. If you have lost your letter, visit the website and click ‘I don’t have a code’. Alternatively call 0800 141 2021. You have until the end of April 2021 to complete and submit your questionnaire, failure to do so will incur a £1000 fine!
Is there a question about Carers?
Yes, there is and it’s really important that you tick this box and state how many hours a week that you care for. The census takes around 10 minutes to complete and it’s vital that you complete it especially this question:

What difference will it make if I reveal I’m a Carer?
The 2021 census provides you with a chance to make your caring role known to policymakers and help create real change which could make your life and the lives of millions of unpaid Carers in the UK better. In the last census in 2011, it showed that there were 292,866 Carers in the West Midlands, with 107,380 Carers living in Birmingham. We suspect that due to the pandemic, this figure will have increased so please make sure you are counted so that extra support can be put in place.
I don’t receive Carer’s Allowance, what do I do about this question?
Even if you don’t receive Carer’s Allowance and you provide help and support to someone because they are frail, have a disability, long-term illness, mental health condition or addiction, you are still entitled to tick this box.
I don’t know whether I’m a carer or not?
If you are unsure whether you are a Carer, watch this sone minute video and you may be surprised.
Being a Carer, can be supporting someone to do practical things, like getting dressed, taking a shower, or preparing a meal; helping them use public transport or giving them a lift to get to a hospital appointment; doing their shopping or helping them do their washing and cleaning. It could be helping them manage money and bills and to deal with paperwork. It can mean keeping them company, supporting them in tough times when they feel anxious or alone, or making sure they get some exercise, fresh air and regular meals. You may not realise it but if you are doing any of these things to help someone because they need extra support, then you are a Carer.
Will my data be safe?
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) runs the census in England and Wales and is independent from government. Your details are protected by law and information published is always anonymous.
What if I need a paper copy or in an alternative format?
There is a lot of help available. You can request a paper copy and there is language and accessibility support. If you or someone you know needs help completing the census, the census support phoneline is now open on 0800 141 2021. Accessibility support info is here for BSL videos, Braille, large print etc.
What if I need the census translated in a different language?
There is translation support in around 50 languages on the website here and a free language helpline available on 0800 587 2021. Over Census weekend, there will be a series of virtual drop-in sessions taking place by the Birmingham census team to answer questions and help anyone who needs support filling in their questionnaire. The details about the virtual drop-in sessions available in the following languages Polish, Somali, Arabic, Mandarin, Bengali, Gujerati, Punjabi, Urdu, Romanian and Eastern European can be found here.
What support is there to help me complete the census?
There are census support centres available in most areas across England and Wales. In England, most centres are open to provide phone support and face-to-face appointments. They can help with general census queries and help you to fill in your online census or paper form. To find your nearest census support centre, type your postcode in here.
I still have questions, where can I get more information about the census?
You can visit the frequently asked questions page on the census website, you can watch the webinars for Carers on 17 March and 18 March or you could attend the Q&A session on Tuesday 23 March at 4.30 – 5.15pm. Here are the details if you wish to join the Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 830 3941 5281