Ageing Better in Birmingham
Ageing Better in Birmingham is a programme to bring together the Birmingham community and help those over 50 years to overcome isolation. The programme is funded by the Big Lottery Fund.
Birmingham Carers Hub oversee 3 projects related to this programme.
– Volunteer led spaces across the city enabling carers to come together to help reduce isolation and loneliness. These spaces are an opportunity for those who want to meet in an informal, relaxed environment.
Ageing Better Network and Ageing Better Fund
– Where people across the city come together to organise groups and or activities and are supported by Network Enablers who will support an application for funding up to £2,000 via the Ageing Better Fund.
– Is a 2-year campaign to raise awareness and help ensure that communities, employers and individuals are aware of the issues that carers face, helping to ensure that Birmingham becomes a ‘carer friendly’ city.
– Is a project to establish a high quality, safe, equitable and financially sustainable Sitting Service offering respite care for older people across Birmingham.
If you want to know more information or even want to get involved in these programmes, please get in touch. Call 0333 006 9711 or email