#UnsungHero Neil shares his experience of being a Carer to his dad and his brother with Birmingham Museum as part of its #BrumLockdownStories campaign. Here is Neil’s story:
I am on furlough from work , I’m glad I’ve been put on it as my dad has been experiencing changes. This time has made me work with my dad to help him get support he needs and contact a representative who knows what to do in that field.
Lockdown has been challenging and I will never forget the support I have been receiving from Forward Carers and the fantastic Creative for Carers at the museum. It’s great that they have kept in touch with me as I can explore new areas and have a go at creating new things.
Being a Carer is challenging and I would not change a thing. Having a lockdown make me think I need to change a few things and to make sure I get things in place for the future. By spending more time at home, I’ve managed to catch my dad’s change and get help before it had time to get worse.
My brother made the lockdown a scream at times and I would never forget how he made me smile during this difficult time. I know it’s confusing for him due to his disability but he’s been a great help with his sense of humour.
If you would like to take part in Birmingham Museum’s #BrumLockdownStories campaign, send your stories or photos to Stories@BirminghamMuseums.org.uk. To find out more, visit the Museum’s blog page.
Neil has really benefitted from being part of the Musuem’s Creative Carers group, to find out more or to join the Creative Carers programme, contact Rosie Barker on 0121 348 8103 or email Rosie.Barker@BirminghamMuseums.org.uk.
Unsung Heroes
Neil has also participated in Forward Carers #UnsungHeroes initative, hopefully you will have read an Unsung Hero story, watched a video or used a hexagon shaped Carers Top Tips. To be in with the chance of winning a wonderful hamper, just answer four short questions here.