As a carer, you may find your caring responsibilities leave you little time for developing relationships with friends and family which can leave you feeling isolated, especially over holiday periods. If you do need support over the festive period, here is a list of our opening times.


Please note that this is just the Birmingham Hub Team opening times and our partners will be operational at different times to offer support to carers. Our partner, Midland Mencap has provided us their Enterprise Hub timetable and their Community timetable for over the holidays.

For Carers registered with our 24-hour Carers Emergency Response Service (CERS), it will be operational over the Christmas period (including Christmas day) so you can have peace of mind that your loved one will be looked after in their home, should an emergency arise.

Outside of the above times, you can call The Silver Line team on: 0800 4 70 80 90. The Silver Line is the only free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people, open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.  For mental health issues, call the Birmingham Mind Helpline on 0121 262 3555.

If you or the person that you’re caring for is feeling unwell and need a telephone health assessment, dial 111 to access The NHS 111 service. To be on the safe side, make sure the person you are caring for has had a flu jab (if they are over the age of 65, pregnant women, or children and adults with long term health conditions). If you are a carer, it’s important that you stay well too, so make sure you get your flu jab as they are FREE for Carers.

Don’t forget to check our events and groups section on our website to see what’s on over the coming weeks so you can meet up with other carers but please phone first to ensure that the event or session is taking place.